My Avenger

Hate me, slap me, try to trap me,

Do your worst and call it good,

Twist the world into your crony,

Juice my heart in sorrow’s mood.


Paint me black as hellish night,

Call me “friend” then mock my soul,

Graze and gorge yourself on spite,

Make my pain your sweetest goal.


Trample me to raise you higher,

Lure my friends with soothing lies,

Catch my gaze with frostbite’s fire,

Craft an Axis of my allies.


Watch and see how I will play you-

Not submerge, a mournful wreck.

Neither slash, avenge, and spew

By judging to keep crimes in check.


No, I’ll watch you craft your chains:

Your sentence for another day.

I’m free to disregard these pains,

For mighty God observes the fray.


One day you’ll answer to the Lord.

No deed escapes his holy mind.

Each cutting motive, thought, and word

His righteous wrath will surely find.


I pray his blood will shield you from

The judgment that will soon ensue,

But be assured, these wages’ sum

Will be received by him or you.


That’s why I shouldn’t dare reflect

Your malice with my own war cry.

I”d rather all your wrongs deflect

Than cross the Judge who sits on high.


And so I joy in triumph’s bliss,

Refusing to dissolve in hate.

I know there will be recompense.

For now, I look to God and wait.

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